With heating bills an ever present worry for homeowners and tenants alike, the question of thermostat setting is often raised. Is it better to set it to a lower temperature over a longer time, or a higher temperature for a shorter time? Here at K and M Maintenance, we are boiler experts. As a result, we have produced this guide to boiler thermostat temperature.

boiler thermostat temperature

Temperature Factors

The boiler size, the number of radiators, the age and condition of your central heating system and the temperature controls available can all influence your decision about the temperature to set boiler.

At this point, it is imperative to make it clear that any guidance relates only to the condensing boiler.

If your home has a large number of radiators, in relation to the boiler size, you may need to turn up your thermostat slightly. This is because it will be working harder to share the water or steam around the system. The size guidelines and radiator ratios are as follows:

  • 24-27kw: 10 radiators
  • 28-34kw: 15 radiators
  • 35-42kw- 20+ radiators

Alternatively, you should set your boiler on a lower heat. Here’s why.

The condensing system

The latest boilers with condensing technology use the cooler temperature of the water, after it has circulated, to reheat and extract more gas from the same water. This makes it at least twice as efficient as older boilers. However, if you set your boiler at too high a temperature, when the water returns, it will be too hot for this process. As a result, the efficient nature of the condensing system is compromised.


Minimizing your heating bills is not just dependent on the boiler’s individual thermostat, but also the thermostats for your rooms. In addition, the radiator settings also have a role to play.

The most cost effective method is to use all three of these thermostats to full advantage.

  • The boiler thermostat- This can be set quite high (but not too high) and this will heat the water to this temperature. The higher you set it, the higher the temperature of the water pumped to the radiators.
  • The room thermostats- If you set your room thermostat to a comfortable temperature, your thermostat will make sure the room temperature doesn’t rise above this point, by signalling the boiler to stop.
  • The radiator thermostats- These control the amount of water that flows through the radiator, when the temperature rises above the specified setting. As a result, less energy will be wasted heating radiators when the temperature has already been achieved.

In summary

Your boiler thermostat temperature should lower for a longer time to save you money on your heating bills. This will aid the condensing nature of the boiler, improving efficiency. In addition, your home temperature should be controlled also with the use of room thermostats and radiator thermostats. This will help you save money and fuel. Contact the professionals at K and M Maintenance today, for all your boiler needs, or for more advice about your boiler thermostat temperature.