When it comes to boilers and gas appliances, landlords have a range of legal obligations and responsibilities that they need to meet. These include regular maintenance of all gas appliances, annual gas safety checks, and written documentation. Here at K and M Maintenance, we are Preston’s favourite gas engineering company and we work with landlords across the North West. As a result, we have produced this guide to the gas obligations for landlords.

gas obligations for landlords


Landlords need to be able to provide documented evidence that gas appliances within their properties are safe and regularly serviced. This includes gas fires, cookers and of course boilers. Undertaking an annual boiler service can help landlords meet this obligation and will help to ensure that the boiler is in good working order. As a result, any potential problems can also be established and repaired earlier, preventing long and complicated issues from arising.

Gas Safety Check

Another aspect of these legal requirements for landlords involves the gas safety check. This is an annual check, that must be conducted by a registered and qualified gas engineer. During this, all of the gas appliances within the property will be tested. If any show signs of wear and tear or damage, you will be able to arrange to solve these potential issues. In addition, you will be provided with a written and dated record that can be used as evidence that you have met your legal responsibilities as a landlord.

Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Smoke alarms are no longer the only alarm that landlords must provide to keep their tenants safe. Since October 2015, it is now a legal requirement for landlords to also provide a fully functioning carbon monoxide alarm. This can help save the life of your tenants and is definitely worth the additional £20 cost. This is because carbon monoxide is impossible to detect without a specific alarm, and it does lead to death.

In summary

Here at K and M Maintenance, we can help resolve gas obligations for landlords. From maintenance and servicing, through to gas safety checks, installations and repair, we have you covered. Why not contact us today to find out more?